Foi uma conversa informal, estava sentado com alguns amigos e a conversa rondava os apontamentos que tomaram religiosamente dos novos terapeutas do mundo actual: a TV e a Internet.
- Sim, isso acontece-me (sangue nas fezes)
- Tens de ter mais cuidado pode ser Hemorróidas.
Sempre fiquei fascinado com a facilidade com que alguns dos meus amigos e colegas conseguem establecer claramente a santissima trindade da medicina: diagnostico, tratamento e prognostico. Imersos na sua sabedoria virtual conseguem establecer com muita rapidez o sintoma-chave do quadro sem necessidade de nenhum tipo de teste. Perplexo com tamanha sabedoria continuei a ouvir mas a minha mente recuou no tempo, o tema era muito semelhante mas os amigos usavam uma bata branca, traziam livros demasiado grandes debaixo dos braços.
O pensamento que deve guiar a analise de vitalidade cientifica baseia-se no diagnostico diferencial. Para este caso " sangue nas fezes" observa-se rapidamente duas possibilidades: Melena e hematoquesia
Melena é quando as fezes são negras associadas a uma hemorragia gastrointestinal. A cor negra das fezes é causada pela oxidação do ferro da hemoglobina do sangue durante sua passagem através do cólon e íleo. A sua causa mais comum pode ser a úlcera péptica confirmada por exame laboratorial.
Hematoquesia refere-se ao sangramento originado no trato gastrointestinal inferior (como no cólon e reto) e geralmente nas fezes há sangue de cor vermelho vivo e brilhante. A sua causa mais comum pode ser hemorróidas (hemorroidal), diverticulose, neo neo ou doença inflamatória do intestino (colite ulcerativa)
Fiquei logo mais entusiasmado e procurei ouvir a resposta para os ecos dos meus professores que surgiam na minha mente: De que cor seria o sangue nas fezes ? E qual a sua causa ? Ainda embriagado com esta visita ao passado recordei novmente a minha professora de Fisiopatologia: Procurem o sempre o mais comum. Hemorroidal faz dd com fissura anal e ambos concorrem para um dos maiores males do nosso estilo de vida moderno o intestino preso.
O excesso de força empregue leva a uma pequena ruptura do tecido intestinal levando ao sangramento escaralte.
sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011
quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011
Endometriose é a presença do endométrio fora do útero, que é o seu ambiente original. O endométrio, ou tecido endometrial, é a camada interna do útero que mensalmente sai pela vagina como menstruação.
Dor na relação sexual
piora progressiva das cólicas menstruais (principalmente em mulheres que nunca tiveram cólicas)
dores na parte baixa da barriga
dificuldades para engravidar
Outras queixas
Dor na evacuação, diarréia, sangramento retal, dor para urinar e sangue na urina durante a menstruação.
Mas é importante lembrar que a intensidade dos sintomas não está necessariamente relacionada com a gravidade da doença. Uma mulher com endometriose em um estágio inicial pode ter em muito mais dores do que aquela em estágio avançado.
Casos de sucesso, escolhas gerais:
2º - Conium Maculatum.
PSIQUE: Depressão nervosa provacada pela contenção ou supressão das regras. O paciente chora quando estã sozinho. Lentidão. Dificuldades para pensar e para compreender.
FEMININO: Induração do colo uterino. Fibrona. Frigidez em uma paciente habitualmente abstinente.
3º Helonias dioica 7CH
APARELHO REPRODUTOR: - Fraqueza, atonia do útero. - Consciência do útero: sente-se como se grávida. Sente o útero mover-se, pula quando eles movem. Peso e inflamação. - Prolapso, útero caído, < após aborto, gravidez, menopausa. - Falta de desejo. Esterilidade. Aborto. - Ulceração da cérvica. Fibróides. - Metrorragia < ao menor esforço (Erig). Leucorréia
4º HAMAMELIS 200 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia; ARNICA 3 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia.
Se houver dor, do tipo agudo, complementar com: APIS 6 CH, 5 gotas de duas a 5 vezes por dia, em consonância com a intensidade e ocorrência da mesma.
Se não se verificarem melhorias: SEPIA 6 CH, 5 gotas 3 vezes por dia; CONIUM 3 CH, 5 gotas 3 vezes por dia.
5º CALCAREA CARBONICA 30 CH, 5 gotas 2 vezes por dia.
Este tratamento é suspenso durante a menstruação. Tempo de tratamento - mínimo de 3 meses
6º Caso pratico
- Venho sofrendo com este problema: a minha menstruação vem muita, muito fluxo. Quando vou ao banheiro fazer xixi, a água do vaso fica completamente vermelha.Isso me incomoda muito. Fico 5 a 7 dias menstruada. Não gosto de tomar anticoncepcionais para regular o fluxo, pois me dá muitos efeitos colaterais. Acredito muito na homeopatia. Quero muito tratar esse problema, pode ajudar-me ?
- Descreva-me a sua menstruação detalhadamente, nomeadamente:
- Cor do fluxo;
- O fluxo é vermelho intenso, com muita descamação de endométrio.
- Com cólica ou sem - se tem cólicas descreva-as;
- Tenho cólicas principalmente nos 2 primeiros dias
- Dores nalguma parte específica do corpo;
- Uma dor no baixo ventre, um peso na parte baixa da barriga. Forma-se muito gás também.
- Como agrava o fluxo e como melhora - p. ex. deitada, sentada, em tempo quente, húmido, seco.
- Quando estou deitada ou sentada, o fluxo é menor. Quando levanto de manhã, sai muita menstruação.
- Todos os outros sintomas associados.
- Quando vou fazer xixi, a água do vaso fica completamente vermelha.
Uma vez, o médico quis interromper a menstruação com pílula de uso contínuo, mas tive muitas reações desagradáveis. Resolví parar, ajude-me a normalizar esse excesso de menstruação.
- SABINA 3 CH, 3 gotas 3 vezes por dia. Na fase crítica, pode fazer 3 gotas até 6 vezes por dia.
Descansa um dia por semana. A cada toma, agite o frasco medicamento energicamente dez vezes.
7º Outro caso pratico
Sou uma senhora de 41anos e estou tentando engravidar. Descobri que tenho obstrução tubaria(bi lateral),endometriose e um cisto no ovario esquerdo. Segundo o medico da fiv o meu problema maior é a endro e a idade. Fiz indução dia 3/9/10 mais o foliculo não se desenvolvel ficou com 4mm +/-. O sr. pode me ajudar? Minha Menst. fluxo intenso/ com colicas e as vezes quando faço xixi parece que vai sair uma pedra por baixo/sai coagulo/bem escuro. Estou muito triste com essa noticia.
- Vamos trabalhar em duas frentes ENDOMETRIOSE E OVÁRIOS
Vai fazer: HAMAMELIS 200 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia; ARNICA 3 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia.
e, ainda, APIS 12 DH, 5 gotas por dia.
Dor na relação sexual
piora progressiva das cólicas menstruais (principalmente em mulheres que nunca tiveram cólicas)
dores na parte baixa da barriga
dificuldades para engravidar
Outras queixas
Dor na evacuação, diarréia, sangramento retal, dor para urinar e sangue na urina durante a menstruação.
Mas é importante lembrar que a intensidade dos sintomas não está necessariamente relacionada com a gravidade da doença. Uma mulher com endometriose em um estágio inicial pode ter em muito mais dores do que aquela em estágio avançado.
Casos de sucesso, escolhas gerais:
2º - Conium Maculatum.
PSIQUE: Depressão nervosa provacada pela contenção ou supressão das regras. O paciente chora quando estã sozinho. Lentidão. Dificuldades para pensar e para compreender.
FEMININO: Induração do colo uterino. Fibrona. Frigidez em uma paciente habitualmente abstinente.
3º Helonias dioica 7CH
APARELHO REPRODUTOR: - Fraqueza, atonia do útero. - Consciência do útero: sente-se como se grávida. Sente o útero mover-se, pula quando eles movem. Peso e inflamação. - Prolapso, útero caído, < após aborto, gravidez, menopausa. - Falta de desejo. Esterilidade. Aborto. - Ulceração da cérvica. Fibróides. - Metrorragia < ao menor esforço (Erig). Leucorréia
4º HAMAMELIS 200 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia; ARNICA 3 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia.
Se houver dor, do tipo agudo, complementar com: APIS 6 CH, 5 gotas de duas a 5 vezes por dia, em consonância com a intensidade e ocorrência da mesma.
Se não se verificarem melhorias: SEPIA 6 CH, 5 gotas 3 vezes por dia; CONIUM 3 CH, 5 gotas 3 vezes por dia.
5º CALCAREA CARBONICA 30 CH, 5 gotas 2 vezes por dia.
Este tratamento é suspenso durante a menstruação. Tempo de tratamento - mínimo de 3 meses
6º Caso pratico
- Venho sofrendo com este problema: a minha menstruação vem muita, muito fluxo. Quando vou ao banheiro fazer xixi, a água do vaso fica completamente vermelha.Isso me incomoda muito. Fico 5 a 7 dias menstruada. Não gosto de tomar anticoncepcionais para regular o fluxo, pois me dá muitos efeitos colaterais. Acredito muito na homeopatia. Quero muito tratar esse problema, pode ajudar-me ?
- Descreva-me a sua menstruação detalhadamente, nomeadamente:
- Cor do fluxo;
- O fluxo é vermelho intenso, com muita descamação de endométrio.
- Com cólica ou sem - se tem cólicas descreva-as;
- Tenho cólicas principalmente nos 2 primeiros dias
- Dores nalguma parte específica do corpo;
- Uma dor no baixo ventre, um peso na parte baixa da barriga. Forma-se muito gás também.
- Como agrava o fluxo e como melhora - p. ex. deitada, sentada, em tempo quente, húmido, seco.
- Quando estou deitada ou sentada, o fluxo é menor. Quando levanto de manhã, sai muita menstruação.
- Todos os outros sintomas associados.
- Quando vou fazer xixi, a água do vaso fica completamente vermelha.
Uma vez, o médico quis interromper a menstruação com pílula de uso contínuo, mas tive muitas reações desagradáveis. Resolví parar, ajude-me a normalizar esse excesso de menstruação.
- SABINA 3 CH, 3 gotas 3 vezes por dia. Na fase crítica, pode fazer 3 gotas até 6 vezes por dia.
Descansa um dia por semana. A cada toma, agite o frasco medicamento energicamente dez vezes.
7º Outro caso pratico
Sou uma senhora de 41anos e estou tentando engravidar. Descobri que tenho obstrução tubaria(bi lateral),endometriose e um cisto no ovario esquerdo. Segundo o medico da fiv o meu problema maior é a endro e a idade. Fiz indução dia 3/9/10 mais o foliculo não se desenvolvel ficou com 4mm +/-. O sr. pode me ajudar? Minha Menst. fluxo intenso/ com colicas e as vezes quando faço xixi parece que vai sair uma pedra por baixo/sai coagulo/bem escuro. Estou muito triste com essa noticia.
- Vamos trabalhar em duas frentes ENDOMETRIOSE E OVÁRIOS
Vai fazer: HAMAMELIS 200 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia; ARNICA 3 CH, 5 gotas duas vezes por dia.
e, ainda, APIS 12 DH, 5 gotas por dia.
sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011
dd: Gastro Esofagic Reflux Disease
Hiper - soda (Na)
Hipo - Vinagre
Desjejum: aloe vera, sumo de cenoura, leite de coco ou um copo de agua morna
Pequeno-almoço: Ananas, abacaxi ou papaia
Mezinha: Cha de ginger, limao, canela, camomila (veja se tem alergia)
Asana: vajrasana, Pavanamuktasana
Pranayama: Chandra pranayama, nadi-shodana
Dica: manter sempre a cabeça mais elevada que o estomago.
Evitar as inversoes, compressoes abdominais (flexoes anteriores) Adhomukasvanasana, balasana, ...
Aumentar: Extensoes da coluna Virabadrasana
Tentar: sarvangasana, o fortalecer da coluna tem efeitos positivos
dd: Gastro Esofagic Reflux Disease
Hiper - soda (Na)
Hipo - Vinagre
Desjejum: aloe vera, sumo de cenoura, leite de coco ou um copo de agua morna
Pequeno-almoço: Ananas, abacaxi ou papaia
Mezinha: Cha de ginger, limao, canela, camomila (veja se tem alergia)
Asana: vajrasana, Pavanamuktasana
Pranayama: Chandra pranayama, nadi-shodana
Dica: manter sempre a cabeça mais elevada que o estomago.
Evitar as inversoes, compressoes abdominais (flexoes anteriores) Adhomukasvanasana, balasana, ...
Aumentar: Extensoes da coluna Virabadrasana
Tentar: sarvangasana, o fortalecer da coluna tem efeitos positivos
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011
GerdFor suggestions of homeopathic remedies for Gerd, tick the boxes below and press the Find Remedies button at the bottom of the screen. On the next screen, you should enter any other symptoms in the search box. |
ear; pain; below the ear; ; |
ear; pain; below the ear; extending to lower jaw; ; |
ear; pain; burning; below the ear; ; |
nose; snuffles; |
nose; snuffles; in new-born infants; ; |
nose; snuffling constantly, but no discharge; |
nose; snuffling constantly, but no discharge; in warm damp weather; ; |
face; pain; below eye; ; |
mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; acid; |
throat; swallowing; difficult; |
throat; swallowing; difficult; breakfast; ; |
throat; swallowing; difficult; saliva; |
throat; swallowing; difficult; solids; |
abdomen; anxiety; ; |
abdomen; constriction; |
abdomen; constriction; sides, below short ribs, extending to other parts of the abdomen; ; |
abdomen; as if something were in abdomen; as if ball in abdomen; ascending to throat; ; |
abdomen; pain; from acids; ; |
abdomen; pain; as if diarrhoea would come on; ; |
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; ; |
abdomen; pain; behind lower ribs; after eating; ; |
abdomen; pain; constricting pain below short ribs extending to other parts of the abdomen; |
abdomen; pain; cutting; |
abdomen; pain; cutting; after eating; ; |
abdomen; pain; cutting; after supper; |
abdomen; pain; cutting; behind lower ribs; ; |
abdomen; pain; stabbing, piercing; |
abdomen; pain; stabbing, piercing; behind lower ribs; ; |
abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp; |
abdomen; pain; sudden, sharp; behind lower ribs; ; |
abdomen; pain; tearing; |
abdomen; pain; tearing; behind lower ribs; ; |
abdomen; pain; twinging; |
abdomen; pain; twinging; behind lower ribs; ; |
abdomen; stomach; sensation of ball; burning; |
abdomen; stomach; sensation of ball; rising up into throat; ; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; burping, belching suppressed; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; burping, belching suppressed; followed by pain in stomach; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; morning; ; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; noon; ; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; afternoon; ; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; evening; ; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; bitter tasting; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; after eating; ; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; by the mouthful; |
abdomen; stomach; burping, belching; food; rancid; |
abdomen; stomach; heartburn; after burping, belching; ; |
cough; daytime; ; |
cough; daytime; 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.; ; |
cough; worse acids; |
cough; dry cough; |
cough; dry cough; daytime; ; |
cough; dry cough; morning; |
cough; dry cough; noon; ; |
cough; dry cough; afternoon; ; |
cough; dry cough; evening; ; |
chest; anxiety; |
chest; anxiety; region of heart; ; |
chest; anxiety; region of heart; after supper; ; |
chest; constriction, tension; |
chest; heat; |
chest; heat; around heart; ; |
chest; movements in and of chest; spasms of chest; cramp; burping, belching; ; |
chest; pain; |
chest; pain; after eating; ; |
chest; pain; swallowing; ; |
chest; pain; lower chest; ; |
chest; pain; burning; |
chest; pain; burning; after dinner; ; |
chest; pain; burning; middle of chest; ; |
chest; pain; burning; middle of chest; after breakfast; ; |
chest; pain; burning; breast bone; ; |
chest; pain; burning; breast bone; lower part of breast bone; ; |
chest; pain; burning; heart; ; |
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; |
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; after eating; ; |
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; extending to stomach; ; |
chest; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; heart; burning; ; |
chest; pain; tearing; |
Remember! |
You recommended that I take Nat Phos 6x for my acid reflux. Is there anything else I should be doing while taking this remedy? should I cut out any foods or drinks? should I expect immediate results? Or does it take time? I have the type of reflux that is in my throat. I have had it for about 3 months. Please advice. thank you lynn | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-06 |
You should observe relief within 15 minutes of taking Nat Phos 6x. I would suggest that you use 3 tablets at the beginning of your treatment and later when you feel it stabilizing you then reduce the dose to 2 after meals. Do not eat large meals and of course no excess fat in them. Take Arnica 6c in the wet dose 1 teaspoonful twice daily. This will help to rebuild the damaged lining of your esophagus which in many cases has been eroded over many years of treatment of GERD with drugs like Nexium, Prevacid all based on Omeprazole which unfortunately is habit forming and expensive. The great advantage in using the Nat Phos / Arnica therapy is that the patient will be CURED of his ailment in a few weeks which can never happen by using the drugs used in modern medicine. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From bellz [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-06 |
thanks Joe I will try it and keep you posted. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Mohan [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-06 |
Joe, I was in United States for 5 months. I had taken with me some homeopathic and Biochemic medicines including Nat Phos 6x. Thanks Joe, your line of treatment with Nat Phos 6x for GERD and Hyperacidity did cure 11 people there. By the way I don't treat for money. I love to see people being cured. The results were so quick and convincing that these guys begged for more stocks which of course I will send them (free) shortly. MOHAN | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From bellz [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
hi mohan, you said it cured 11 people. that is wonderful. I am hopeful it will help me. did you give it to many more people and it didn't help? How long did it take to cure? thanks for your imput | ||
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Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From parisNSA [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
Joe can more than 9 tablets be used of the Nat phos 6x a day? | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
To Mohan I am glad to note that you have also had considerable success in treating 11 patients suffering from GERD. In the majority of these cases I am confident that they were CURED and that their condition was not controlled as it usually is when using the drugs like Nexium which are unable to stablilze the stomach as Nat Phos 6x does. You will notice that I have used NP to stabilize the stomach and Arnica 30c to help with the cure of the Esophagus with the Sphincter muscle which are usually damaged by the gastric juices. It is the combination of both remedies that completes the cure which usually takes about 6 weeks. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
To Paris It is not advisable to overdose with NP as many have complained of a bitter taste in their mouths. No other damage seems to be done and as long as the patient sees some benefit from its use, it is perfectly safe to do so. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Mohan [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
Dear Joe, I have followed the complete instructions including the use of Arnica 30c in wet doses. I made sure that no allopathic medicine is taken concomitantly. The blessing actually goes to you. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Mohan [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
Joe, I have two questions : (1)I have noticed you also recommend use of Arnica 6c in the wet dose to help the process of tissue repair especially in the throat. The dose is 1 teaspoonful of the remedy sipped twice daily. Are there any particular situations to select between Arnica 6c and Arninca 30c. (2) I notice you now only suggest using pallets for wet dose preparation. The original pack from the manufactures such as Schawbe or SBL are in liquid form. Why you no more like to use 1 drop of the liquid. REGDS MOHAN | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
For chronic ailments I use Arnica 6c and if it does not help I use the higher 30c potency. I use the wet dose exclusively for treatment of any ailment as I am convinced after using it for over a year that this is the way to go. It is unfortunate that most homeopaths use the dry pellets exclusively as they have not discovered that the wet dose after succussion each time is far more effective than the dry. They have also not being instructed to use the wet dose and till this is promoted by the universities, I believe that the dry dose will hold sway. A point of interest in using the wet dose is that it is very cost effective as only 3 pellets are used in a 500ml bottle of spring water which usually lasts about 3 months while the dry dose will use up the 100 pellets in a vial in a few days. The liquid form where the remedy is suspended in Ethanol can also be used as I do here in Sri Lanka where I use 2 drops of the Ethanol remedy in a 500ml bottle. I have not observed any difference between the 3 pellets and 2 drops in the bottle. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Mohan [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-07 |
For Bellz, I was in US only for 5 months. So I did not have the opportunity to provide this excellent treatment to others who tried to contact me. My aim of visit was not to treat but during my previous visit to US I had really felt sorry that I did not carry any Homeopathic or Biochemic remedies. I was particularly perturbed that the so called classical homeopaths in US fleece the poor patients. Which keeps many patients away from this wonderful line of treatment. In all 11 cases the relief was quick and permanent. In fact, I may tell you that I met someone from Bombay India where he had whole lot of tests and investigations done at one of the most prominent hospitals. Even CT scan was done. The allopathic treatment rendered him no benefit. When I met him he was stiff scared to even eat rice and yoghurt as any food would make very uncomfortable. After two doses on the first day this guy felt relief and by third day he could consume his regular full meal. As for your problem is concerned, please strictly follow the instructions given to you by JOE and I am sure you will be cured for good. Pls take good post-treatment care to allow enough time for your body to re-inforce the system. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From goingdownhill [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-09 |
Hi, I'm new to this forum, actually, I have never been part of any forum but I have been reading the posts on ABC Homeopathy with interest regarding Acid Reflux. (I am 55 and post menopause, 5'5" and weigh 133 lbs). I have reflux (heartburn since childhood),and barrett's esophagus. Also hiatal hernia. I have been on the purple pill and others like it for approx 5 yrs now. The meds work well, however, I have been trying natural remedies for the last two wks. and have stopped taking the prescription. I am being careful since I can't allow heartburn at all. Have been using organic apple cider vinegar and honey. Sure seem to be drinking alot of honey to put out the fire. Based on what I read here I have ordered Nat Phox 6X and expect to receive it by next week. In addition to my digestive mess I also have a prolapsed bladder. I have been researching the use of Sepia as a possibility for help in that area. Is that a wise choice? Can I take it while I am taking Nat Phos 6X for the acid? Is combination safe or should I just work on the acid first and then try to work on the prolapse later. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks. Forgot to mention I do go to Chiropractor and he is trying to put my hiatel hernia back down to assist w/my acid reflux. He told me to pursue homeopathic remedies. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-09 |
To Goingdownhill, I am not surprised any more that medicine does not have any cure for your gastric problems which you state you have suffered from childhood. All they will give you are the Aluminium Hydroxide tablets at the beginning of your gastric adventure and then the more sophisticated drugs like Nexium and other drugs based on Omeprazole and reduce the secretion of acid which unfortunately are habit forming as you would have noticed and which you have to take throughout your life. It occurs to me that your other ailments like your prolapsed bladder may owe their origin to the many drugs that you would have taken throughout your life up to the time you stopped them a few weeks ago. You may like to know that I have used Nat Phos 6x to help many like you who were suffering from gastric problems s but I must admit that I am fearful for you as you seem to be an extreme case of gastric distress. I do not know if at the present stage of your GERD problems, Nat Phos 6x can help you but it may be worth using it to see if it can. The dosage is 3 tablets Nat Phos 6x (biochemic cell salt) taken 3 times daily after meals. You will also take Arnica 30c in the wet dose 3 times daily. This is made by inserting 3 pellets of Arnica 30c into a 500ml bottle of spring water and this should be shaken hard to ensure bubbling of the water before each dose. A teaspoonful is a dose and this is sipped thrice daily 1 hour before meals with the last dose taken after dinner just before sleep. The Nat Phos will hopefully help to ease the acidity in your stomach which I believe is in a mess digestive wise, and the esophagael sphincter valve is obviously leaking and permitting the gastric juices to work their way upwards to your throat which results in your diagnosis with Barrett's Esophagus which basically defines the mess that the delicate lining of your Esopagus is now in. The Arnica 30c should hopefully restore the inner lining of your Esophagus as it is know to help in the rejuvenation of damaged tissue in the body. I shall copy a description of this disease below: What is Barrett's Esophagus? BarrettÕs esophagus is a condition in which the esophageal lining changes, becoming similar to the tissue that lines the intestine. A complication of GERD, BarrettÕs it is more likely to occur in patients who either experienced GERD first at a young age or have had a longer duration of symptoms. The frequency and or severity of GERD does not affect the likelihood that BarrettÕs may have formed. Dysplasia, a precancerous change in the tissue, can develop in any BarrettÕs tissue. BarrettÕs tissue is visible during endoscopy, although a diagnosis by endoscopic appearance alone is not sufficient. The definitive diagnosis of BarrettÕs esophagus requires biopsy confirmation. We can only hope and pray that your condition can be helped by Nat Phos and you are advised to use this therapy and to report your response weekly. Eat small meals to ensure that there is no overload to your digestive system and stop all other drugs and the honey and cider vinegar which can even make a bad situation worse. Drink plenty of water (not canned drinks or beverages) but not after meals. I would also like you to do some gentle exercise like a brisk walk to ensure sweating it out as this too will help in your recovery. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From goingdownhill [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-09 |
Thank you Joe for your quick response. I do not have nor have I ordered any Arnica. I will do that today. Can I order it through ABC homeopathy or do I need to find it elsewhere? The Nat Phos 6X I ordered was Hylands and from another website. My other question was whether or not Sepia might be a help to my prolapsed bladder and if so can I take it while I am taking the Nat Phos and Arnica? I know my digestive system is a mess. My father's was the same and I am sad to say he passed away due to esophagal cancer 7 yrs ago. We used to chew on antacids together in the night when I was growing up. He also had the hiatal hernia. Until I receive my Nat Phos what can I use to keep the heartburn at bay since you say no raw honey? I do brisk walks and work in my garden and sweat it out a lot. I try to maintain an optimistic outlook dealing w/all of this since I know that has an affect as well. Thanks again. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-09 |
I would not like you to stop the raw honey if it is doing you some good instead of the drugs that you were taking till you get the Nat Phos 6x. If you have ordered the NP from Hylands why don't you order the Arnica too from them ? I am so glad to learn that you have an optimistic attitude to your ailment which is half the battle. Keep up the exercise which is shall we say 25% of the way and the remedies will I hope fill the balance and hopefully help you over your problem. If you are taking Sepia for your prolapsed bladder you may continue to use it till you start on the Nat Phos / Arnica therapy which I would prefer that you use alone till you see some respite from your ailment which can occur in a week after you start on it Please note that I live in Sri Lanka which is roughly right opposite the US on the globe. I will only be able to see your posts in the morning and the evening. | ||
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Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-09 |
Joe, Thank you I will follow your advice and let you know how I make out. I haven't started the Sepia so I will hold off and do the Nat Phos/Arnica first. Praying for healing, wish I had known about the downside of the antacids, and purple pill sooner. I will post again when I have been on your recommendations in a couple of weeks. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From bellz [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-10 |
hi Joe, I purchased the Arnica for the repair of my esophagus but could only find the Arnica 12c. how should I use this as a wet dose. thank you bellz | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-10 |
Arnica 12c can also substitute but have you got the Nat Phos 6x ? Where do you live as these remedies are freely available in the US. I have already given you instructions on making the wet dose in my post above but I shall repeat it again. The wet dose is made by inserting 3 pellets of the remedy into a 500ml bottle of spring water and you shake it hard to ensure bubbling before each dose of a teaspoonful which you can take thrice daily. It is important that you also use the Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets taken 3 times daily after meals. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From bellz [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-10 |
Joe, I am taking the Nat Phos 6x. I have been taking 2 pellets after lunch and dinner. I will up it to 3 pellets 3 times a day. I will begin the Arnica 12c following the same instructions as the 6c. thank you for your help. lynn | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From goingdownhill [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-13 |
Joe, Hello, I'm back. Received my Nat Phos 6X and have been taking it as you instructed for 2 days. Haven't received my Arnica 30c yet but expect it this week and will include that per your instructions on wet dose as soon as it arrives. Results on the Nat Phos so far are good, inspite of the mess my digestion is in. Small occasional bouts of heartburn a couple of times a day but not serious. When it happens I chew a couple of papaya enzymes or drink water and it will go away. I also have another appt with chiropractor this week to reposition the Hiatel Hernia which will help as well. I am taking no acid reducing meds right now only Nat Phos 6X. Thank you for your advice. I do have a question regarding my vitamins and a couple of herbs that I was taking before I started Nat Phos and wondering if I can take them while taking the Nat Phos/Anica remedy. I have not taken them since I started Nat Phos. I don't want to upset any balance. I realize that the Nat Phos causes the food I eat to push through the system quicker and am wondering if I should be taking my vitamins/herbs. Normally my supplements are as follows: 1X a day Multivitamin 2X a day Calcium/Magnessium/Zinc Combo 1X a day Flax seed oil capsule 1X a day potassium 20 drops per day Rhodiola tincture 20 drops per day Macca Root tincture Please advise should I be taking my add'l supplements at this time along with the Nat Phos 6X/Arnica 30c. I appreciate your assistance. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-13 |
I presume that you are taking 3 tablets NP 6x 3 times daily after meals. You have already experienced that it has helped you and this will continue in the future. The Arnica is also an important part of your cure and you already know how to use it. Answering your question about the many vitamins you have been using perhaps for some years, I would like to reassure you that the normal food you eat has more than enough of the vitamins, minerals and food supplements that your body can possible need. A good example is myself and you may like to know at age 76 I do not use any vitamin or other tablet except for a Fish oil capsule which I have taken since I was a boy. I would recommend that you follow my example and do not take any of the pills and drops that you have used in the past as one or more of these items may perhaps be the cause of your gastric distress. Take my advice and STOP all these extras which I feel are completely unnecessary. I note that you are having your Hiatus Hernia "repositioned" by your Chiropractor. Would it be asking you too much to not go ahead with this treatment which can do more harm than good. Hiatus Hernia is cause by the regurgitation of the gastric juice after a meal and the Nat Phos will help to send it down as you have already experienced. Your chiropractor can only massage the Pyloric valve located at the base of the stomach which opens up to the Duodenum and you can save some money by doing the same massage yourself by pressing down on the spot that he usually massages. This spot is located just under the ribs on your left side and if you have any discomfort after a meal after the NP has been taken, you can help to release the food through the Pyloric valve by gently massaging this spot. You will soon find that the Nat Phos will promote the output of food from the stomach through the Pyloric valve without any assistance and thereby help to overcome the discomfort that you have experienced throughout the past years with your GERD. | ||
to goinguphill | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-13 |
Sorry I missed to insert the title in my last post. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From goingdownhill [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-13 |
Hi Joe, How interesting that you say cause of hiatel hernia being regurgitation of gastric juice. I thought it was a physical abnormality. One other interesting note here, when the chiropractor repositions my hernia he is more in the area on my right side. He did show me how to massage that site as well in between adjustments. Is it possible I am backwards? How odd. Will it be okay for him to adjust the area on my back which is associated with digestion, he has found that to be out of place and has been lining that back up along my spine to assist in proper functioning. He is a believer in homeopathy and uses it for himself and family and is in full support of my heading in same direction. I'm sure he will agree with whatever you suggest at this time. I will not take any of my usual supplements per your request as I trust your insight. Thanks so much for your time. I see that you changed my title on the last post to goinguphill and I like the encouragement. I think I will change my profile name as I believe goinguphill is more accurate at this time. :) | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-14 |
To Going Uphill Glad you agree with the new title ! There is no doubt in my mind that you will be cured of your GERD symptoms. It will obviously take some time for you to come back to normal but you will get there soon. I would suggest that you give your chiropractor a miss for a few weeks to see how you respond to my therapy. I am confident that you will be cured and you have already experienced that it has helped you without all the drugs that you have used which only served to hook you on them for ever and could also have lead to other more incurable diseases of the Esophagus. It is important that anyone who reads this post remembers that at the first signs of any gastric discomfort which can occur after a heavy meal or due to some other reason like eating some fatty food or even some food that was contaminated which sometimes occurs as it did here in Colombo after a wedding banquet held at a 5 star hotel last December when over 85% of the guests were in severe distress after the meal and some had to be hospitalized. The hors d'oeuvre which was a shrimp cocktail was contaminated and I too had eaten it. I always take 2 tablets of Nat Phos 6x if I have a meal at any restaurant and I was one of the few who survived without any problem. My wife was amoung those who were affected. I believe that the Nat Phos helps with the acceleration of the food down the gut thereby preventing the elements that cause the body to react with food poisoning from causing any distress. My advice to all who read this post is to keep a few tablets of Nat Phos 6x at home to be used in the event of any gastric discomfort. | ||
Re: question for joe re: gerd remedy | From goingdownhill [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-06-14 |
Thank you Joe for your time and advice, also, for telling your experiences using the remedies you recommend. Always encouraging. Nat Phos 6X still working. Arnica should arrive today. Can't wait to start adding that in. So thrilled with the results thus far. I am guessing that because of the severity of my acid reflux with the barretts complication that it will take some time to effect the "cure". How many weeks do you think I should be on both remedies before I start to cut back and test whether or not cure has ocurred. I see you mention in other posts that you regularily take Arnica each night, will, I be doing the same and only using Nat Phos if I have a recurrence of symptom of heartburn? Thanks again. Trying to change my profile name but having some computer issues of late so I may still appear as goingdownhill until I can work through the techie stuff. |
First of all I do not practice medicine for money........ I do it to help friends & especially poor who are squeezed by allopaths. A patient complained of severe burning sensation and slight pain in the stomach area 2-3 hours after meals, especially after 4 or 5 p.m. and late night. His tongue is clear - Appetite is normal, No complaint of costipation. First to eradicate Helicobacter Pylori generally believed to be causing Peptic Ulcer, - I gave him Metronidazole 400mg+Omeprazole 20mg+Clarithromycin 500mg twice a day for 14days. For some time, he was asymptomatic, but he has again started getting severe burning at the base of the stomach - after 4 or 5 p.m. Then I put him on ARG. NIT 200 morning & evening. It did not help so I switched over to CARBO VEG 200 (Twice daily) + NATRUM PHOS 6X (Biochemic). He has shown no improvement. PLS GUIDE ME - HOW CAN I ALLEVIATE HIS PROBLEM ? MAN MOHAN VARMA | ||
Re: ACID REFLUX / HEARTBURN | From PANKAJ VARMA [Log on to view profile] | on 2003-09-18 |
Please start him on MAG PHOS 6X right away to be taken with warm water. Every hour for first four hours then reduce the frequency. Please give me more symptoms on his pain (colic). U can use my e-mail id as done earlier by you. See the variations of colic on ABC or in a homeopathy book. It is very important to register the nature of the pain i.e. dull-continous, intermittent, sharp, at a point or radiating to other parts of the body from the abdomen area etc. etc. Time period when it is severe, periodicity etc.etc. Other symptoms thrown up like diarrheoa, constipation, dry skin , dry lips,skin disorders etc etc. Also note emotional symptoms. Ulcers are normally formed when a person is going thru a highly emotinal phase and is confronted with a problem to which he is unable to find a solution for long. More likely a family problem or a law suit etc. See drug picture of the following: COLOCYNTH DIOSCOREA OPIUM PLUMBEM MET. PULSATILLA NUX VOMICA MAG. CARB. There are other medicines too. Best, PANKAJ VARMA | ||
Re: ACID REFLUX / HEARTBURN | From terryf1500 [Log on to view profile] | on 2003-11-23 |
2 aloe vera gel capsules before meals for 1-2 months should cure your problem,it worked for me and I was chewing anacid tablets at least 3-4 times a day. | ||
Re: ACID REFLUX / HEARTBURN | From PANKAJ VARMA [Log on to view profile] | on 2003-11-23 |
Agravation between 4pm to 8pm >>>>LYCOPODIUM can be an appropriate medicine. however, co-relate other symptoms with the drug picture. Best, PANKAJ VARMA | ||
Re: ACID REFLUX / HEARTBURN | From PANKAJ VARMA [Log on to view profile] | on 2003-11-23 |
As already suggested, for stomach ache MAG PHOS 6X can be given immediately without waiting to ascertain other symptoms. It will definately give results. some suggest to give MAG PHOS 6X and NAT PHOS 6X together. Best, PANKAJ VARMA |
I have had hitus hernia for quite a while now and this is the cause of my acid reflux problem. Lately I have been feeling that my stomach stays gassy and bloated. Bowel movement is irregular and is about 2 to 3 times a day with very bad stink. I am 28.5 yrs old. I also started noticing that the white portion of my eye has redness in it (the kind of red color when you are very tired and sleep deprived). And yes, I do feel tired after little work. I sometimes have trouble sleeping too. If I take my dinner just 1 or 2 hours before I go to bed, I am in for trouble. At times when I get in the bed, I actually feel stomach acids making their way to my throat which makes my cough. Sometimes I just cant sleep the whole night because of either acid reflux or gassy stomach. I feel out of energy and lethargic not wanting to do anything. I wrote on this forum before and some one prescribed Natrum Phos 6x, but then the problem sort of subsided and I didnt take the medicine. Should I take Natrum Phos 6X now or something else? Any good website for buying homeopathic medicine? | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From A2Z_A2Z [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-02 |
Forgot to mention that I feel constepated too which definitely makes me feel uneasy. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From A2Z_A2Z [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-03 |
Can anybody please suggest some remedy? | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From ruth45 [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-03 |
Try the Nat Phos. It worked wonders for me and I had most of the same symptoms. Remedies can be purchased from this website. R. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From A2Z_A2Z [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-03 |
Oh one more thing I just remember which I forgot to include in my original post; my stomach growls a lot and some times it is so loud that people around me can hear it :( | ||
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Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From kuldeep [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-03 |
Your case demands Nux Vomica. Low potancey in begining: ie for first two weeks take Nux Vomica 6X Later on take Nux Vomica 30 till your problem is completely gone. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From sajjadakram635 [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-03 |
Dear who told u that u have hiatal hernia.first make sure.check with the doc it is a serious disease and will take time to cure. it is not symptomatic it is pathological change acid reflux is something else and is easy to cure one of our friend in this forum said natrum phos he is very right but for hernia first make sure.dont ignore.thanks. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From A2Z_A2Z [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-04 |
sajjadakram635, Thanks for your reply. I had a stomach endoscopy done about 2 years ago. Since then I had been taking Nexium 40mg. The doctor told me take one every night and I did, but after one year when the conditions improved I started skipping the medicine. My new doctor put me back on Nexium, but the thing is this is not a permanent cure. The doctor also told me that the acid reflux is because of this (the stomach opening has widened and the acid flow upwards instead of downwards). I dont wana go back to Nexium, thats why I asked the question here so that I might get some homeopathic cure. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-04 |
I am glad to note that ruth45 has recommended that you use the remedy that I believe I first suggested on this and another forum for acidity in the stomach which is usually accompanied by a feeling of fullness and puffiness which is most uncomfortable if as you state, this has resulted in Hiatus Hernia. This condition usually arises as direct result of a hyperacidic condition in your stomach over a long period and your doctors would have first prescribed antacids which are usually tablets of aluminium hydroxide which neutralize the acid in the stomach. I note that you have recently been prescribed Nexium but this and the other drugs that you have used over the years cannot cure you and will only serve to palliate your ailment temporarily. Over a period of years if this ailment is not rectified, the acid eats through the pyloric valve located at the botttom of the aesophagus and thereby makes a bad situation infinitely worse by pushing the acid up to your throat with as you would have realized, painful results. Nat Phos 6x works in a different way by promoting peristalysis in the stomach and thereby helps the stomach to digest and propel the food out of the stomach thereby preventing the formation of acid. If you decide to use Nat Phos 6x you must stop all other drugs. The dose is 2 tablets taken after lunch and 2 after dinner. I believe that you should find relief within 15 minutes after your meal when that uncomfortable feeling vanishes. You should carry a supply on your person if you are dine out to take within about 10 minutes after a meal. There are a few points that you should observe to overcome your ailment. Do not eat large meals as these contribute to acidity, gastric reflux and Hiatus Hernia. Avoid drinking water after a meal and only sip it for about 2 hours after a meal. Sit up erect on a chair after a meal for at least an hour preferably 2 hours and do not go to bed during this period till you feel that your food is all digested. Please report your response after 3 days on this therapy. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From belciuge [Log on to view profile] | on 2005-08-21 |
Hi A2Z_A2Z I hope you can use this: Raphanus C7 or C9 Assa Foetida C7 or C9 China Regia C7 or C9 Carbovegetabilis C7 or C9 Collinsonia C7 or C9 I live in Romania and the concentrations are: 5, 7, 9, 15, 30, 200 etc. I guess you can use C6. I would take those every time I do a gastritis or I feel bloated and it works quite well. All five remedies every day until you feel better. You could take them at 1 or 2 hours apart. They are mostly used for stomach and they are recommended by my homeopath (a non classical one). Take care, Elena | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From katy98 [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-02-21 |
Could someone show me where on this site the Natrum Phos 6x can be purchased? I've searched through the products list and couldn't locate that name: Natrum Phos 6x. No products contain 6x or 8x. I'm new here so don't have a handle on the termonology :). Could someone spell out the name from the Products List and explain the 6x? That product look like it's what I'm looking for. TIA! | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-02-21 |
Nat Phos 6x is available on this ABC store site on: You should order the tablets in 6x potency and specify the Biochemic tablets. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From tanveerawan [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-04-08 |
Arg Nit 30 capsicum 30 Aethusa 30 Nat phos 30 Mix above medicines and take three times a day Causticum 200 calc Flor 200 Mix above medicines and take one dose at bed time | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From tanveerawan [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-04-08 |
you can take Nat Phos 6x in place of Nat Phos 30 in above prescription. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-04-08 |
To: Tamveerawam It is an accepted rule in Homeopathy that multiple remedies are not prescribed and used for ailments such as the problen that was posted about 2 weeks ago by Katy98. The cocktail of remedies that you have suggested may even prove to be contraindicated and I noticed that you had amended the Nat Phos 30 your first suggested to be replaced by the 6x. It is possible that Katy has already got her supplies of Nat Phos 6x from the ABC but I would not recommend that she uses the 6 remedies that you have suggested as I am confident that she will be cured with Nat Phos 6x which I have prescribed to hundreds of patients with similar gastric ailments. You may like to know that the effect is almost instant when that bloated feeling disappears shortly after taking the first dose of Nat Phos 6x. | ||
Re: Hitus hernia and acid reflux problem | From sushiljoiya [Log on to view profile] | on 2006-04-09 |
i have been suffering with the hitus hernia since long, and along with homeopathic medicenes , i take a tab of an antacid daily. what i want to mention here that along with due medical care, it is important to regulate your intake of food sturff. one shoul eat light. have four meals a day. avoid food which disagree. have curd, made of fatless milk, with every meal. should go back to bed at fixed hour, and get up at fixed hour every morning . it is not as deadly disease, as it is made out to be. try to live with a certain discomfort, but always remember, that this discomfort will not kill u. try to lead as busy life as possible. the homeopathic remidies i have found useful are:NUX VOM.CARBO |
Refluxo gastrico
Gender: Male Age: 63 Body Type: Medium Built Height: 5”foot 4 inches Weight: 171LB General appearance: Good – a little yellowish in complexion Have you used homeopathic medicines before? If so what, and what homeopathic potencies did you use? No Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings. 1. Describe your main suffering? Acid Reflux 2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? Sexual – keeping an erection long during intercourse or loss of sensation in penis area - annual kidney stones – daily neck and upper shoulder aches when wake up – heavy snoring - 3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings? Discouragement to eat 4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst? Describe the sensation in your own words. A constant pain in my sternum a burning that comes all the way up my throat an inner gas that causes me to cough and wheeze as well as lower back pain., constant grumbling, burping, passing gas, belching. 5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? When I was very little I remember having gas problems with bad headaches, and I would lay with my head in the pillow and my butt up in the air and my grandmother would rub my back and I would belch a lot and find relief. During my early adult hood I would have the same accuracies and alka seltzer would help and anti-acids. I developed severe hemorrhoids and had to have surgery in early 20s after Viet Nam. Latter had one episode of gout in late 30s. Then surgery on the nose and throat for snoring then started having kidney stones about every other year. Gallbladder removed 2 years ago because they could not break the stones, started taking Reflux medications around 48. I was trying to get off them over the past 8 years on and off. This works for awhile then quits. I could write a book on all the things I’ve tried. I did have also a non cancer growth taken out of my throat about 13 years back which the doctors believe could have been to exposure to agent orange when in Viet Nam 6. Which time of the day you are worst? At 3:30 AM in the morning I wake up and have my pajama top pulled all the way up to my chest my stomach feels real hot and I'm sweaty and have very serious heart burn, even if I’m sleeping sitting up in a recliner, 2nd within 1 hour after eating. 3Rd if I don’t eat. 7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.. Obviously over eating, white vinegar, any juices that are from concentrate, milk chocolate, canned tomatoes, anything fried, hydrogenated, greasy, fatty I can go on and on it is like almost everything even water or even fasting for long periods of time. 8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)? No 9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather? As far as Acid Reflux no season. But I feel better overall when it is warm not hot or cold. 10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc. Agreeable but reactive - How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? Good after, I like to breathe the air - Do you like being consoled during your tough times? Yes - Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? No - Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless Weeping, talking to one self etc? No - How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife? I wish I had more friends that were closer, they seem casual. Close to all family. I love my wife she is a pretty terrific lady and I always try to apply myself to make our marriage better. 11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly? Losing the ability to have sex. Can’t think at the moment what I dream of, I know I do. I used to have recurring dreams for years of events in combat when in Viet Nam. Every now and then they pop up, but not regular any more. 12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions? Dark chocolate, I don’t know what you mean by aversions, if you mean what arouses it, I don’t know. 13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? It changes day by day 14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Less 15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand? Vinegar, okra, egg plant, fish in pasta, eggs that are not scrambled real well, meat that is rare, fish that smells like fish, milk chocolate and cows milk 16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? Normal, head 17. How is your bowel movement and stool type? Regular 2 times a day, 1 large, 1 small it varies on solid or loose and dark brown or light brown and sometimes black 18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping? I go to sleep at regular times elevated on my back; I can’t seem to stay on my side. If I’m on my side it is usually the left side. I wake up at least once to urinate. I do not feel sleep depraved or tired but do not feel refreshed. 19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general? Having problems as noted above 20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others? no, I don't feel any different, maybe I'm considered short and seem to be talkative and a serious deep thinker. 21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication? Pantoprazole daily 40MG – I stopped it again 4 days ago for the 5th time in a year. I been sipping 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 4 ounces of water twice a day. When I eat I been taking one when I start one mid meal and one after of Rainbow light Advanced Enzyme System tablets. It helps with the burn so far. When I stop taking the Pantoprazole it seems my sex life improves as well as these enzyme tablets seem to help with the rumbling, belching and gas. 22. What major diseases are running in your family? Mother died in early 60s from diabetes, which younger and older brother have. Grandmother had cancer the one that gets to the marrow of the bones. Father has kidney stones, and high cholesterol and a few bouts with gout. Older brother has a pace maker, younger brother also has psoriasis. My son has no issues with his health. 23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance. I been told many times I look much younger then I'm I still have very little gray hair and a full head of hair, my body is proportioned well even tho I'm over weight. I been working on getting to 155lbs for about 6 months started at 178lbs now 171lbs (For Females) 24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc. 25. What major diseases have you had in your life and when. Please write them in a chronological manner. As far as a major disease, Acid Reflux as noted above, most of my life. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-01-17 |
It is very likely that you are suffering from GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux disease) and I shall copy the therapy I have prescribed to hundreds of patients who presented GERD, the large majority of whom have been cured. Your remedies are as follows: Nat Phos 6x dose 3-4 tablets taken immediately after each of 2 meals Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. You can expect relief from your ailment hopefully within 24 hours. Do not eat large meals. Eat small meals but more often if you feel hungry. It is important that you do not go to bed for at least 2 hours after dinner as food will take about this time to digest and it is best to stay awake and upright to enable your food to digest before going to bed. No fatty food, alcohol, coffee, preserved meats like sausages, ham, bacon as they contain Saltpeter which will antidote the remedies listed immediately. The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows: Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement. Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket. Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace. Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose. Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily. |
Arnica Montana 30c Liquid Dilution in 87% Ethanol
Natrium Phosphericum 6x Biochemic Cell Salt Tablets
Please recheck your order and ensure that you get the above.
Do not lose hope as I am confident that after 35 years of suffering from GERD you can be hopefully returned to normal although you may have to take these remedies for the rest of your life in a reduced dosage. If the above do not help you within a week, I shall then prescribe others that will help you.
I believe that your present condition as described by you is due to the PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) acid blocking drugs like Nexium, Protonix, Zantac and others which have been recognized as doing more harm to the body when used in the long term, than good.
Hello Joe It took awhile to get the recommended formulas. I been on exactly both as prescribed for 10 days now. Their is no doubt the Arnica is working. I know because I forgot 1 time and started feeling the burn and took it right then and noticed relief. I still get heartburn but not as severe and the worst time has changed from 3AM to 12:30AM I still immediately no matter how little I eat get bad belching and burping and passing gas.Even thou I'm experiencing the above I would say their has been a 70% improvement in the severity of the heart burn. The erectile problem still exists and now my suspicions are turning to my age instead of the Proton drug I was addicted to and now no longer take. Also at times during the day when I do get the burn a few ounces of water helps.Any further recommendations? Would going to 3 times a day on the Arnica be dangerous or help? Thank you so much for the help so far which is like a miracle. I"m sold on Homeopathy and must have told at least 25 people about the site as well as Homeopathy. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-01-28 |
To Ductman "I been suffering from Acid Reflux most of 35 years. I' a 63 year old male. I've been on most of the prescribed acid blockers." You are doing fine in just about 2 weeks since you posted your problem withe GERD on January 13. Remember that you suffered for 35 years with your problem and I presume that you were taking PPI's all this time. The miracle is that you survived ! Let me prescribe another remedy which you will take in the Dry Pellets. Lycopodium 200 dose 4 pellets taken sublingually twice daily for 2 days. Report progress and do not take this remedy on a daily basis like you are taking the Nat Phos and Arnica. You can also control your food at dinner and abstain from fatty food and especially red meat and dairy like ice cream which is difficult to digest. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-01-28 |
Thanks for the encouragement, I will order the new prescription immediately. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-13 |
Hello Joe I'm still waiting on the Lycopodium 200 dose. Should be here in a few days. It seems the Arnica Montana 30c Liquid Dilution in 87% Ethanol Natrium Phosphericum 6x Biochemic Cell Salt Tablets. Was having a positive effect and now with no diet change I'm on fire again. The belching has eased up a lot but the burn is now to the place where it is not coming up the esophagus like it used to but the fumes from my stomach are effecting my breathing. Instead of being bad at 3:30AM it is accvuring during the day and at about midnight at it's worst. I have not taken any reflux medicine but did take an alka seltzer. I did take the Arnica two extra times while being bothered and took the Nat Phos three times on two days instead of twice. It did seem like thier was a noticable improvement and that when I got a little burn just a sip of water cooled it down. Now water has no effect. Any furthur advice or just hang in their? Thanks Mike - Ductman | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-13 |
Joe Another thing when I took the Alka Seltzer I was belching and burping for a good 30 minutes. It seems one of these which I know is not good always gives me relief. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-14 |
To Mike In your first post you indicated that you have been suffering from GERD for the last 35 years and reading your case history I was at first reluctant to take your case knowing as I did that I would be taking on a very difficult chronic case of classical GERD which I felt would be very difficult to help and eventually cure. As you perhaps are aware I have also to face the taunts and criticism from 2 classical homeopaths on the ABC who are just waiting on the sidelines for the opportunity to prove that the 'Joepathy' I practice cannot help patients much less, cure them. In spite of this possibility I decided to try to help you as you are a senior citizen and I was aware that you could not have existed for long with the PPI drugs you were prescribed by your doctors. I was concerned to note that you too were aware that your days were numbered if you continued to use them -- "I want to get off the medication but not kill myself doing it." You have used the Arnica and the Nat Phos for over 10 days and they have provided you some relief and they are both very safe to be used as you are doing today as long as you find that they help you. You have been able not to take the PPI drugs you were using and this is indeed a step in the correct direction. You have not received the Lycopodium which is essential to help you and I shall await your report of your response after taking the Lycopodium as prescribed. You can use the Alka Seltzer which we do not have in Sri Lanka where I live. I checked it out on Wikiperia and this is the description: Alka-Seltzer Gold is a combination of sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate, and anhydrous citric acid, used for the relief of heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour stomach. Unlike original blue Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Seltzer Gold does not contain aspirin, or any other pain reliever. This seems safe to use to enable you to belch up the gas in your stomach but I do not know it there are any other chemicals in the non gold product. Please check and report. Please remember that your case is chronic and you will have to be patient to enable the therapy I have prescribed to help you to replace the drugs that have poisoned you for the last 35 years. Remember to eat small meals but more often even up to 6 per day as your stomach has to be slowly brought back to normal. I would like you to have a Ultra sound scan done on your abdomen to check for Gall Stones. The scan will also show any signs of other problems that may be lurking inside after all that abuse from the drugs. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From TheeyaN [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-14 |
You can also buy a remedy which is not really a Homeopathic remedy but a Functional medicine remedy (or in plain words a SUPLEMENT) The Brand is Enzymatic Therapy Name of the item is: Heartburn Free! (active ingridient ROH-10) Is is an oil from orange peel, studies have shown that it eliminates hearburn for 9 out of 10 people, and its affects last for 6 months and more. The package comes with 10 gelcaps, you take 1 cap one every two days. 10 cap in 20 days total. I am not quite sure how it works, i know it doesn't block the acid like PPI drugs, but something else. I believe you can take it along Nat Phos and Arnica. All gastric problems arise from the lack of Nat. Phos which is bodies alkaline balancer. You don't have to much acid, you have to little Nat. Phos in your cells. Calc Phos is also found in a great amount in gastric juices as Biochemistry shows, and it is considered a tonic in all gastric/cattarh conditions. Lack of Calc Phos is easy to spot, people who are lacking it usually have bad teeth, and tips of their teeth are translucent (brighter than lower portion of the teeth) Nath Phos deficiency usually shows in a form on a ''red chin'' i.e. the skin on the chin is slightly red with or without slight red acne (no pus) | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From TheeyaN [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-14 |
Joe i have a question for you. When should Arnica Wet Dose be taken? I take it 2-3 times a day, but i am not sure when to take it because i have meals every 2.5-3 hours, and between meals i drink either water or teas (herbal or wild fruit) I take one dose just before i go to bad, after brushing my teeth, as for other two doses i am not sure? How long after/before a meal should arnica be taken? | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-14 |
To Theeya Thank you for your input on this thread but I would prefer that Mike does not take "Heartburn Free" for the moment as I do not have any statistics about it and I fear that it may antidote the therapy I have prescribed. The problem with Homeopathic remedies is that the concentration of the original remedy is so very low that even I do wonder how any remedy can possibly work. For instanct in a 6x potency the presence of the Sodium Phosphate (Nat Phos) is just 1 Millionth of the salt. Arnica 30c cannot be defined in its dilution which is at Nano levels but it works and after taking it myself nightly since 1996, I believe that I have proved that it has kept me at my present state of wellness that many envy, without any ache or pain in my body which is now 82 years of age. I note that you have given some information on Nat Phos and you may be interested to read the note of Dr Scheussler who first discovered this remedy with 11 other "Biochemic Cell Salts" Natrium Phosphoricum Sodium and Phosphate ions are to be found in our body in the muscle, nerve and brain cells, in the blood corpuscles and in the tissue fluids. According to Dr Schuessler, Nat Phos splits the lactic acid, which is produced by the work of muscles into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid is absorbed by the sodium phosphate and brought to the lungs where it is eliminated in the process of breathing. If sodium phosphate is lacking, there results an excess of lactic acid and consequently a sour taste, heart burn, sour stools, vomiting of sour, caseous matter, particularly in babies who are overfed with sugar and milk. If lactic acid reaches the lymphatic glands, the albumin of the lymph glands coagulates and the gland begins to swell. In the initial stages of swelling of the lymphatic glands therefore, Nat Phos has a healing effect because it can split lactic acid. Nat Phos further assures that the uric acid of the blood which is formed by the splitting up of the albuminous substance is kept in solution and secreted by the kidneys. Should this not be the case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints. The sequels are Rheumatism. Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago. In the Gall, Nat Phos saponifies the fatty acids which have been consumed with the food. It is hence indicated against digestive disturbances resulting from excessive consumption of fat. Answering your question: I note that you are taking Arnica in the Wet dose 3 times daily. This dosage can be considered as an overdose in the long term and I would prefer that you use it only nightly if you with to take it for a long period. Twice daily can be considered safe for a month or two but I would not recommend it for any longer period. Any Homeo remedy is best taken about an hour before a meal. I take a dose nightly before bed after brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth at least 4 times to ensure that all traces of toothpaste are washed away. I gargle with the capful to enable the liquid to be picked up by the nerve endings in my tongue and cheek and throat. You can use more than a capful if you so wish as even a CUP fulll is still equivalent to the CAP full which is a dose. I know that this may sound very strange to you but this is Homeopathy for you. A question for you: For how long have you taken the Arnica and what made you start on it ? | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From TheeyaN [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-14 |
I just started taking Arnica yesterday. My general plan was taking it for the first month 3 times a day, second month 2 times a day and after that if everything is well just before bed as a tonic. I started using it because of certain acid issues (bad taste in the mouth when i wake up, belching after meals/drinks, feeling of acid in throat from time to time, and chronic inflamation of back of my throat and nose (with no pain) due to acid. Since this problem of mine is lasting for about 6 years or so i wanted to give chance to these remedies at least 6 months before i start believing they don't work. It is said in Traditioan Chinese Medicine that for every year of altered state of the body, a month is needed to restore balance. I am a true believer in Homopathy, i have read Scheussler's book, i also read The Biochemic System of Medicine by George W. Carey, and also the Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt Deficienties guide (Including materia medica) by David R. Card. It says that Cell Salts do not interfere with other remedies, since they are an essencial part of the body, but i am also not sure about mixing it with suplements. It is my personal opinion that Cell Salts are of a great value to everyone and that the sole reason for lack of success from it is because not looking at a greater picture. What i mean by that is the systematic route of the body. Let's say a person is under stress, because of this the body is depleting Kali Phos reserves more than it should, when Kali Phos lacks body turns to Mag. Phos. than after time Mag Phos also lacks so the body takes Calc Phos, after Cals Phos is gone Nat Phos also becomes deficient. Now whene digestion is impaired all other salts after time get deficient, and all this is a kaskade caused by to much stress (which is well known to affect digestion) I doubt that a person can have just one deficiency after being in an altered state for 35 years, maybe a call for more than one cell salt is in order. For example in the book it clearly states that Calc Phos is found 57 % in the bones and teeth, and ALSO a large quantity in the GASTRIC JUICES. This is from the book ''Calcium phosphate is found in gastric juice, and a lack of the proper balance is frequently the cause of indigestion. Condition called rheumatism are sometimes due to a deficiency of this cell salts. It is well known to Biochemist that a proper balance of sodium phosphate is required to prevent and acid condition from prevailing, and under certain conditions, when calcium phosphate for any reason is not present in proper quantities , the affinities draw upon sodium phosphate in an endeavor to supply the lack, and thus a deficiency in the alkaline salt ensue, which allows an acid condition to prevail. So Nat Phos deficiency comes after DEPLETION of Calc Phos. Calc Phos deficiency because lack of Mag Phos, and Mag phos deficienty from lack of Kali Phos. I do believe in lighter cases Nat Phos alone can make all the difference, which you have PROVEN many times now, but in those cases where Nat Phos alone doesn't help maybe patients should also look at the top of the kaskade. Calc. Phos-Mag Phos-Kali Phos. Biochemistry states that in every condition there should be one CHIEF REMEDY, but many organs/cells have more than one cell salts, and thus HELPING REMEDIES are in order. That is why for example if there is a clear sign of Mag Phos deficiency (leg cramps at night) and Mag Phos alone doesn't help in normal amount of time ONE SHOULD also use Calc. Phos. along in order to replenish the bodies need for Calcium. | ||
This thread continues beneath the following ad. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-14 |
Joe Thanks again for the encouragement. I will stick with the Arnica Montana 30c Liquid Dilution in 87% Ethanol twice a day Natrium Phosphericum 6x Biochemic Cell Salt Tablets 4 tablets immediately after eating as originally instructed and do as prescribed with the Lycopodium 200 dose 4 pellets taken sublingually twice daily for 2 days when it arrives. Just for your information I read in this thread about The Brand Enzymatic Therapy, It didn't work for me but using Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar. Must take 1 teaspoon in 4 OZ water and very important must slow sip do not drink over an hour time, gives relief but not cure also can get Reeds Crystallized Ginger Candy sweetened with raw cane sugar. Eat a piece when get the burn it puts the fire out for a while.Chewing gum helps for temporary relief from the burn. And as far as enzyme's The ones that helped not cured my condition were Rainbow Light, Advance Enzyme System. After a few bites take one, mid meal take one, just when about to finish meal take one. Helps a lot but not a cure. After trying 100's of different things like this. What you have been directing me at has been working 1000 times better. Thanks Again Mike Ductman | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-15 |
Thanks Mike, I appreciate your comments. Joe | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-18 |
Hi Joe Hope all is well with you. The Lycopodium 200 dose came in and I finished as directed yesterday. Just wanted to let you know. Take Care Mike Ductman | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-18 |
I presume that you continue with the Nat Phos/Arnica therapy. Please confirm. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-18 |
Hi Joe Yes as you instructed the Nat, 4 after each meal and the Arnica 1 teaspoon in the morning when I rise and 1 before I go to bed. Found a few more safe things to munch when get a little burn, like sip of water,a few soda cracker's and it seems a Mango Lassi, a little sip of ginger ale soda with no sugar warm and flat as well as a piece of cucumber sometimes helps. All is well. Praise God no medication and going strong. Bless you Joe Mike | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From Joe De Livera [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-18 |
Glad to learn that you are on the road to recovery. It is unlikely however that you will ever be cured as I believe that your constitution after 35 years of gastric abuse cannot ever be cured. However I believe that we have achieved the impossible and you have been blessed with a reasonable state of health with my Joepathy and you do not have to depend on the dangerous PPI drug that you have been using to digest the next meal anymore. You reported that you had a cholecystectomy some years ago and you must know that this was totally unnecessary as if you only had used my therapy for GERD, you would not have had any need to remove it. Your surgeons would have been delighted to relieve you of this vital organ in your body which produces the extra gastric juice Gall, which is essential to help digest fats which I I presume you are now compelled to avoid. You may like to know that statistically over Half a Million patients in the USA have their Gallbladders removed so very unnecessarily every year and they provide a constant source of revenue to keep their surgeons happy. I understand that surgery costs over $15000 and you can figure out how much money and unnecessary suffering the general public can save themselves from, if only they use my Joepathy in time for GERD, which is the root cause of all gastric distress. I note that you eat a snack to keep your hunger pains at bay but I would prefer that you do not eat Cucumber as it contains some chemical element which does not digest easily and can cause more GERD. Feel free to report progress from time to time here on the ABC. | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-02-19 |
Joe It was the gallbladder removal that was a wake up call. by the way total bill paid by my then hospitalization was $26,000.00 I was rushed to emergency room and given tests and advised that it must be removed immediately or the risks were life threatening.Up to then I had been focused on reliving myself of drugs by alternative natural foods, vitamin and enzyme sources, which I said earlier was a aid but only worked temporary. I really never heard of Homeopathy till a friend of mine in Arizona was cured of her sinus problems. That was September last year. In a nearby community their is a Homeopathy practitioner but due to complications in my life as well as her scheduled demands I was unable to get an appointment. It was then in January after trying to get an appointment I decided to look for another and I bumped into the ABC site and went on the forum pleading for some help. And as you mentioned earlier you were reluctant knowing I was a tough case but moved by your compassion as a healer you responded to the call. If I have to take the Nat and Arnica for the rest of my life as well as a few little things this is a small price to pay for such a great reward. I have given testimony to many of Joe the Healer from Sir Lanka. I assume your instructions are continue with the Nat and Arnica in dose and frequency as prescribed and report progress time to time. Joe I owe you, call on me anytime. I'm here. In Gratitude Mike Ductman | ||
re: acid reflux - ed | From ductman [Log on to view profile] | on 2011-04-28 |
Hi Joe Wanted to let you know whats going on, it's been awhile. I have been still taking the 4 Nat Phos after each meal which is usually twice a day. Occasionally I take the Arnica. I actually sleep through the night with no burn and occasionally I get the burn but a sip of water or chewing some gum and it is gone. Still a lot of gas but not hard to live with. Every day I thank God for the miracle to eat food with out fear. Again Thank you Joe. Ductman |
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