quarta-feira, 25 de abril de 2012


 funcho sm. erva-doce sf
 Foeniculum vulgare also known as F. officinale

fennel developed from the Middle English fenel or fenyl. This came from the Old Englishfenol or finol, which in turn came from the Latin feniculum or foeniculum, the diminutive of fenum orfaenum, meaning "hay". The Latin word for the plant was ferula, which is now used as the genus name of a related plant. As Old English finule it is one of the nine plants invoked in the pagan Anglo-Saxon Nine Herbs Charm, recorded in the 10th century.
In Greek mythologyPrometheus used the stalk of a fennel plant to steal fire from the gods. Also, it was from the giant fennel, Ferula communis, that the Bacchanalian wands of the god Dionysus and his followers were said to have come.

Material: Fennel, 9g; pear kernel, 9g.
How to use: Grind the material into powder. Drink it with little bit cook wine.

(2). Hernia
Material: Fennel, 9g.
How to use: Add Fennel into water. Bring to boil for 30 min. Drink it.

(3). Hernia
Material: Fennel, 15g; salt, little; chicken egg, two.
How to use: Fry (without oil) the fennel and salt to dark in color. Grind it into powder. Fry eggs (with little oil in the frying pot) and the fennel powder. Eat the eggs every day before going to bed. Repeat every day for several days.

(4). Lower back pain
How to use: Fry fennel 9 grams with little sesame oil to dark in color. Drink the powder twice a day. 

(5). Lower stomach pain before menstruation
How to use: Add fennel (15 g) into water. Bring to boil for 30 min. Drink the extract every day, three days before period.

(6). Stomach pain due to cold
How to use: Take fennel, 8 grains. Fry it without oil into dark in color. Drink it together with little brown sugar.

(7). Skin ulcer due to snake bit
How to use: Apply fennel powder onto the ulcer.

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